FGMRI is a forestry research institute founded by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. Their main activity consists of scientific research projects in forestry and hunting and participation in the implementation of the results into practice. Another activity is the provision of expert and consulting services for state administration and forest owners of all categories.
Within the framework of the National Programme for the Protection and Reproduction of the Gene Pool of Forest Trees, FGMRI operates the National Bank of Forest Tree Plant Seeds and Explants , whose aim is, among other things, to maintain the biodiversity of forest ecosystems.
Forestry research in the Czech Republic responds to current pressing problems, such as climate change and immission load. It is focused, for example, on the restoration of forest tending in areas with immission and other anthropogenic influences, it deals with research, expertise, consulting, and control activities in the areas of recognition and registration of sources of reproductive material, forest seed production, cultivation of fast-growing tree species, and research in the field of breeding and saving the woody plant gene pool.
For more info about FGMI, visit their webpage.
The main task is the preparation of framework guidelines for management (FGM) developed for individual types of forest development and a methodological manual for forest personnel. The FGM will contain basic recommendations for the restoration, tending, and protection of forest stands, differentiated not only for a semi-natural management method in the entire area of interest, but also for the application of elements of a selective management method on demonstration areas. Part of the output will also be the so-called "outbreak" variant, i.e., in case a specific location is affected by increased salvage cutting due to the action of abiotic and biotic harmful agents. The long-term goal of the gradual application of FGM is the cultivation of ecologically more stable forest stands with a variety of species and ages to reduce risks in forestry. In this way, the principles of semi-natural management will gradually be introduced throughout the whole area of Brdy. In addition to creating FGM, the FGMRI will act as a consultant during their implementation, including participation in staff training and demonstration of project results to other entities.