The state-owned enterprise Sachsenforst (SbS) is subject to the technical supervision of the Saxon State Ministry of Energy, Climate, Environment and Agriculture (SMEKUL). A board of directors serves as the supervisory body. Seven members of the board of directors decide on fundamental matters of Sachsenforst.
Core tasks:
- Comprehensive advice and support for private and corporate forest owners as well as management of the Saxon state forest in twelve forest districts
- Upper forest and hunting authority (organizationally and personally separated from the forest enterprise)
- Office for large protected areas, nature conservation authority and natural area manager in the four most important protected areas in Saxony
- Competence centrefor forest and forestry: Practical test and research institution for the Saxon forest
In order to cope with its wide range of tasks, Sachsenforst has numerous special facilities in the areas of forest education as well as training and further education. In addition, Sachsenforst maintains a centre for forest reproductive material with three tree nurseries and two machine stations and operates the Moritzburg game reserve.
For more info about SbS, visit their webpage.
The main goal of the cooperation with the Saxony State Forests is to familiarize the VLS CR foresters with semi-natural management carried out by the Saxony State Forests. Foresters will be theoretically introduced to the history of the forest restoration process, the initial state, implementation activities, and will see the current state through practical examples. The aim of the professional dialogue is to understand the importance of forest management planning and hunting measures, which enable semi-natural management with the application of selective management principles.